Sunday, August 22, 2010


  So I really don't have any followers but I'm still typing anyways! Okay, so today was my family reunion and I plan on putting pics on my Facebook (message me if you want it) if my stupid camera will let me. But now I wanna talk about it a little more. Every year my mom's side of the family puts this long ass reunion to see family you never get to see. It was kinda awkward because I have a cousin who doesn't believe in God and the rest of my family does and one of my other cousins deleted her from her friends list because of her not being Christian. That's reason number one it was kinda uncomfortable.
   Another thing was the Atheist cousin is quitting college and my crazy grandma was trying to bitch he out for it. Reason numeral two!
   That's the main thing. My hilarious cousin was talking about my very cutesy nephew saying she didn't like her own kid's face but she loved his! Pretty funny.
    I went walking on the park's trail. It's about a mile long. So the whole thing I give it a 8/10 because even though I am a teenager I still love to swing and slide and do a lot of crazy stuff. So if anyone reads this leave me a comment telling what was the most awkward moment with your family? Craziest/funniest?

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Have you ever seen someone is fat and dorky-looking with glasses? They must have no personality. They only like educational crap! 
All that stuff is complete, nasty, stinky, corny as hell BULLSHIT!
In school I feel like no one really wants to get to know me...the real me. Not the kid who is quiet all the time and always sits in the back. But what I really am. I am a human, just like you. I have a sense of humor. 
I get judged by people thinking I only watch kiddie G rated movies. I get judged by people thinking I eat all the time...but I don't. I get judged by people thing I read constantly...I hate to read. I get judged by people saying I have a boring personality because I don't like sports. Once again...B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T!
The reason of me making this is I wanna see how many people I DON'T KNOW actually read this. Leave me a comment telling me if you ever had or are experiencing the same thing!